Friday, March 22, 2013

Photo Essays

How to Apply to Art School in China

Step 1: Line Up (or Not)

A crowd of the nearly 10,000 candidates who applied for the Shandong University of Arts this year
A crowd of the nearly 10,000 candidates who applied for the Shandong University of Arts this year

Step 2: Paint

Candidates taking a painting exam at Shandong University of Art and Design in Feb. (all photos by and via

Step 3: Judgment

A professor reviewing college fine-art entrance exams in Shandong province in Jan.
All of these photos come from Shandong, where, according to the People’s Daily Online, nearly 10,000 people applied to get into the Shandong University of Art and Design this year. Based on the pictures and text for the photo essay, it sounds like candidates must travel to the school to apply and take entrance exams. “The scene was so crowded that many candidates got pushed down to the ground,” says one of the captions. Does that make it a good or a bad time to point out that the Chinese art market is shrinking?
h/t @Colossal

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