Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's face it...

Our system of choosing who will be the next leader of the United States has finally run it's course. It is completely and devastatingly inept. The quality of candidates of both parties, in this (less than merry) go -round has been so feeble that I truly fear for the continuation of our democracy. Each candidate contends or in some cases, pretends that they are the rebirth of the qualities of a more suitable leader from the past.
And given the weakened and sickening direction our supposed "representative" government is heading this inept selection process of leadership will make it more than likely that some re-form or re-arrangement of our system[s] of power and control of this nation will inevitably devolve into an autocracy of some new sort. The times of the late Republic and the rise of the Empire are upon us.The checks and balances of a true democracy cannot function like this. The time of the self-aggrandizing "veto" of the "Tribune of the Plebs" has returned in the stupid/pig headed self righteousness of our bickering branches of governing.
Whether what follows is true evolution of representative democracy or more likely devolution to an "acceptable form" of dictatorship is just now starting to take shape.

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