Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
”The truth is,” writes Deleuze, “that sexuality is everywhere: the way a bureaucrat fondles his records, a judge administers justice, a businessman causes money to circulate; the way the bourgeoisie fucks the proletariat….Hitler got the fascists sexually aroused. Flags, nations, armies, banks get a lot of people aroused”
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
“Architects, sculptors, painters, we all must return to the crafts! For art is not a “profession.” There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman. In rare moments of inspiration, transcending the consciousness of his will, the grace of heaven may cause his work to blossom into art. But proficiency in a craft is essential to every artist. Therein lies the prime source of creative imagination. Let us then create a new guild of craftsmen without the class distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist! Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.”— Walter Gropius, Bauhaus Manifesto and Program, April 1919.
Until the age of twelve I thought I was gifted with the power to shape the future, but this power was a crushing burden, it manifested itself in the form of threats, I had to take just so many steps before I got to the end of the sidewalk or else my parents would die in a car accident, I had to close the door thinking of some favorable outcome, for example passing a test, or else I’d fail, I had to turn off the light not thinking about my mother getting raped, or that would happen, one day I couldn’t stand having to close the door a hundred times before I could think of something good, or to spend fifteen minutes turning off the light the right way, I decided enough was enough, the world could fall apart, I didn’t want to spend my life saving other people, that night I went to bed sure the next day would bring the apocalypse, nothing happened, I was relieved but a little bit disappointed to discover I had no power.
Édouard Levé
My people
Hephaestus had tried to rape Athena and even though she was able to escape, he got some semen on her thigh. In disgust, Athena wiped the semen off with a woolen cloth. When the wool landed on the earth, it impregnated the earth and Erichthion, the first king of Athens, was born, thus making Athena and Hephaestus the parents of Athens.
The religion of orgasm: utilitarianism projected into sex life; efficiency versus indolence; coition reduced to an obstacle to be got past as quickly as possible in order to reach an ecstatic explosion, the only true goal of lovemaking and of the universe.
Milan Kundera, Slowness
translated from the French by Linda Asher
Milan Kundera, Slowness
translated from the French by Linda Asher
The part of the body which the sexual organs are located was called the “sacrum” by our ancestors because the knew what it was all about. ‘Sacrum’ comes from Middle English ‘sacren’, meaning to consecrate. And that in turn comes from a word out of Greek and Latin antiquity: ‘sacer’ meaning dedicated to God. Our own word ‘sacred’ comes from the same root and means the same thing: holy, set aside for God’s use, God’s service, God’s purpose. What the word ‘sacrum’ says is simply that sex is sacred. If this one word were widely understood, the destiny of the whole race would be altered.
Thomas White
Who ever desired each other as we do? Let us look
for the ancient ashes of hearts that burned,
and let our kisses touch there, one by one,
till the flower, disembodied, rises again.
Let us love that Desire that consumed its own fruit
and went down, aspect and power, into the earth:
We are its continuing light,
its indestructible, fragile seed
Pablo Neruda
Joan Nestle, co-founder Lesbian Herstory Archives
I cannot understand a society that is more afraid of a man in a dress than a man in a soldier’s uniform.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Absence can exist only as a consequence of the other: it is the other who leaves, it is I who remain. The other is in a condition of perpetual departure, of journeying; the other is, by vocation, migrant, fugitive; I - I who love, by converse vocation, am sedentary, motionless, at hand, in expectation, nailed to the spot, in suspense - like a package in some forgotten corner of a railway station. Amorous absence functions in a single direction, expressed by the one who stays, never by the one who leaves: an always present I is constituted only by confrontation with an always absent you. To speak this absence is from the start to propose that the subject’s place and the other’s place cannot permute; it is to say: “I am loved less than I love.
Roland Barthes A Lover’s Discourse
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Dirty Girls member Amy Christine Proctor, a self-described addict and a flight attendant from Colorado, started masturbating while she was visiting chat rooms on AOL. Unmarried and a virgin at 30, Proctor has struggled with her sexual identity since puberty, believing her same-sex thoughts are a sin. Last year, she says, she was masturbating almost daily, sometimes twice a day. To rehabilitate herself, she became an active member of Dirty Girls Ministries and started driving two hours to attend a 12-step program for sex addicts called Heart to Heart. But when she realized the masturbation was stemming from underlying sexual-identity issues, she switched to a program called Where Grace Bounds that deals with “sexual brokenness and homosexuality,” while remaining an active member of the Dirty Girls forums.
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